Nanoparticle Emissions of Aircraft  Engines. Results from German PAZI project. C. Wahl*, Th. Rindlisbacher# , L. Hjelmberg+ *German Aerospace Center - DLR - Institute of Combustion Technology,  #FOCA - Federal Office for Civil Aviation Switzerland, + Hjelmco Oil Sweden.
The report is found to the right as the DLR, FOCA and Hjelmco report.
It is well known that combustion of kerosene or diesel can form soot nanoparticles. In this work it is shown, that gasoline powered piston aircraft engines also can emit nanoparticles. Particle number concentration and particles size distribution were measured behind an aircraft gas turbine as well as behind two small aircraft piston engines. Fuel for the aircraft gas turbine was JET – A1.
The two aircraft piston engines were both powered with leaded  AViation GASoline, AVGAS 100 LL and  unleaded AVGAS 91/96 UL, both meeting US AVGAS standard ASTM D910. The unleaded AVGAS 91/96 UL was provided by Hjelmco Oil.
Measurements were done with a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer system (SMPS). Test points are the ICAO power settings Taxi, Approach, Climb and Take Off, as well as Cruise.
The measurements show that the particle mean diameter and number concentrations for the gas turbine and for the piston engines are similar! The comparison of leaded and unleaded AVGAS show a significant reduction in particle diameter and number concentration for the AVGAS 91/96 UL.
The full report from FOCA about piston aircraft emissions is presented in the listed 6 FOCA files. Future fuels inclusive biobased AVGAS from Hjelmco Oil are covered in Appendix 4.

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